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Yilan Branch, Administrative Enforcement Agency, Ministry of Justice:Back to homepege


Is Credit Card Available for Payment?

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2019-01-08
  • View count:893
I.Currently, no administrative enforcement branch allows such payment. Current payment methods include payment to the transferring agency, payment in person to each enforcement branch, payment via fund transfer slip provided with the payment notice or payment in person to a post office or bank through telegraphic transfer such methods. II.To reinforce convenient services to public, currently four major convenient stores (President, Family Mart, OK and HiLife) may collect administrative execution payment, subject to individual income tax, sales tax, vehicle license plate tax, house tax, land tax, land appreciation tax, stamp tax, deed tax and entertainment tax such administrative execution cases with arrear amount (including execution fee) less than 20 thousands. The obligator may take the payment notice with bar code issued by administrative agency to stores of four major convenient nationwide within payment deadline. Monthly installment payments are allowed so long as the "Implementation Summary of Approval of Installment Payment for Administrative Enforcement events" is complied with and respective procedures have been undertaken at each administrative enforcement branch. However, during the installment period, interest will be calculated according to individual law until the day the full amount is paid.
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